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A Few Words On Forward

Written on Thursday, 19th March 2020.

As you may or may not have heard, SpacePortX Co-Founders Doug WardShaun Gibson and Martin Bryant had some amazing news yesterday. After three years in the making, George Osborne announced in his budget (pages 44 - 45 to be exact) the figures for Manchester’s new tech cluster: Forward

Here at SpacePortX, we're proud to say that we'll be a part of what Forward has to offer to the tech community and here's why:

What is Forward?

Forward will be the heart of the Northern tech community, where, not only, can startups flourish, but it’s a place where investors, press, corporates, the government and most importantly, talent can collide. Expect hackathons, tech meetups, assisted learning to code and special appearances from some of the best tech entrepreneurs in the world.

Created by leaders within the Manchester tech community, for the Manchester tech community and powered by the whole of the UK!

And here’s what Doug had to say about the announcement of Forward and what it means for Manchester and North:

“I fully applaud and thank our government for having the foresight to support this proposal. I predict this will lead to many jobs created and many other similar environments replicated across the country resulting in growth for the UK's future economy. I would like to personally thank Baroness Joanna Shields OBE, the Prime Minister's Advisor On The Digital Economy, for  all the great work she has been doing, ensuring the UK is the best place in Europe and one of the best places in the world to create and base a tech business.

For whoever reads this with an idea, I have this to say: having studied tech clusters globally and nationally, having succeeded then failed significantly, taught myself how to code while on the dole and gone on to succeed, now being in a position to advise the government; I want you to know this... you NEED a team to achieve the dream, so you must seek out the best environment to find it.

I owe a great deal of my success to my business partnership with Shaun Gibson, to whom I have a complimentary skill set with. On the matter of where you should go to base your business, the world is about to be reminded that Manchester is THE home for people who are going to change the world. There is no other city on the planet better at doing this, and when you find out about our history, whether it's abolishing slavery or starting the Suffragette movement, you will know that it is very much a part of our DNA to push mankind Forward."


So there you have it, a brief overview of what Forward is and what it means for Manchester, The North and the greater tech community. Thanks everyone who has helped make Forward become a reality, the whole team here at SpacePortX can't wait to be a part of a project that will the change the world and help so many lives.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, pop by SpacePortX and say hi or find us at DrinkaboutMCR and ask away!

Written on: Thursday, 19th March 2020
About the author:
Nerd, Gamer, Entrepreneur
I am a massive nerd loving tech games and eSports! I maybe a little more at home in a digital world that a real one but that's ok....the singularity isn't too far away right?