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Manchester Silicon Drinkabout

Written on Wednesday, 22nd July 2020.

So, you’ve come up with an awesome startup idea that is going to change the world! Well done you!

Now you want to go and talk to people about it, get some feedback, make connections, and grow your network so that you have all the key resources you need to convert that rocking idea into reality. This is a very exciting phase to be in because you never know who you’re going to meet and as they say “a simple hello could lead to a million things” and here in the Manchester startup community, there are always opportunities to connect and network with people.

Silicon Drinkabout is an event that was first run by ‘The 3Beards’ which started roughly three years ago as an after-work, Friday happy-hour event for startups. Now Silicon Drinkabout has grown into an international brand, connecting startups and entrepreneurs within different cities including Manchester,London, New York, Toronto, Sao Paulo and Amsterdam- just to name a few.

Silicon Drinkabout MCR, takes place every Friday in different locations in Manchester and SpacePortX have happily hosted and sponsored Manchester Silicon Drinkabout on many occasions. If you have a startup idea or just want to meet people in Manchester’s startup community, all you have to do is keep an eye on the Silicon DrinkAbout Manchester page All you have to do is turn up, grab a drink, chat to people and the options are limitless, who knows who you’ll meet.

This week’s Drinkabout (Friday 24th) is taking place at the Manchester Escalator (hurray!) from 6pm so feel free to drop by and we’ll catch up with you there!

Written on: Wednesday, 22nd July 2020
About the author:
Nerd, Gamer, Entrepreneur
I am a massive nerd loving tech games and eSports! I maybe a little more at home in a digital world that a real one but that's ok....the singularity isn't too far away right?