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Moving Into A New Orbit

Written on Friday, 28th August 2020.

So, I have some sad, but very exciting, news to share with you all!

My time at SpacePortX has sadly reached its natural conclusion, and at the end of September (September 25th to be exact - until then you'll have to continue putting up with my madness) I’ll be saying goodbye to SpacePortX and hello to Dotforge Impact.

The last year has been an incredible whirlwind journey of fun, mayhem and tech. SpacePortX has certainly become a home to me since joining and I’ve loved everyday here. From helping out with events, to getting caught in a nerf gun cross fire, each day and has been different and there’s been so much to enjoy.

What has the last year looked like?

We’ve implemented a new mentoring scheme, for the community and our members to be involved with. With the likes of Doug WardEmma CheshireJamil Khalil and Tom New, to name a few, offering their advice to startups and students across Manchester, the mentoring scheme has been a great success. Keep an eye on our events page for our next bunch of sessions.

Plus, we now have more tech events than ever! From MancJS to MCRSocEnt, we’re averaging 3 tech events a week, with more in the lineup, cementing SpacePortX as the epicentre of the tech community. Come along to one of the booming events here, to learn more about tech and meet the amazing people who keep the tech community going.

There have also been some amazing interns here to help support SpacePortX, all of whom have added lots of benefits to the space. You can read more about their experiences on our blog, but it’s safe to say that having interns in SpacePortX is something that we foresee continuing in the future. Supporting students is something we strongly believe in and we’re so glad to help show an alternative to 9-5 office work.

To top it all off, we have the highest membership rates than ever before. We introduced a new pricing structure, with flex membership starting at only £40 a month, and our new W95 membership, it’s now easier than ever to join the SpacePortX family. The environment and culture has certainly changed with more people in the space, added to the collaborative atmosphere and helped build relationships between our startups, freelancers and event organisers! The hustle and bustle is great, and we’re more of a family now than ever before.

What’s next for SpacePortX and myself?

All of this great stuff is going to continue and there will be another friendly face looking after SpacePortX, to look after members, events and to implement new and exciting things for the community!

Don’t worry, things will only change for the better, of that I’m sure.

For me, this definitely isn’t a goodbye from me and I certainly won’t be leaving SpacePortX behind. I’ll be joining Dotforge Impact to help social impact accelerators find their feet, in what I feel is a natural progression from helping the startups in SpacePortX. I’ll still be attending regular tech events, helping to organise Drinkabout MCR, as well as SheSaysMCRMCRJams and MCRSocEnt.

Onwards and upwards, as they say, and I hope to see you all very soon! 


Written on: Friday, 28th August 2020