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My Time Interning at SpacePortX by Manit
How do I describe being an intern at SpacePortX? Well, my time at SpacePortX has been jam packed and amazing, from developing my social media marketing skills to networking with entrepreneurs in... more ›
Why we're supporting Manchester Social Entrepreneurs
Manchester Social Entrepreneurs is a monthly meetup founded by the wonderful George and co-organised with Vim, to encourage social entrepreneurs to network, discuss their projects, opinions and ideas... more ›
What is work life balance- for an entrepreneur
What is a successful work life balance for an entrepreneur? As entrepreneurs we often love what we do so much that the working day can turn into evenings, early mornings and weekends.
SpacePortX First Birthday Invite!
Its our very first birthday on the 14th of August (woohoo!) and we can't wait to celebrate this special day with you! #SPX
Meet Lauren, SpaceportX newest intern!
Meet Lauren, SpaceportX newest intern! She's just completed her first year of college and is here with to dive into Manchester’s lively tech community and to meet network and meet new people.... more ›
Hello Wakelet!
Wakelet is an online platform that allows you to save links to articles, images, videos and other great content to curate stunning and shareable collections and we are pleased to announce that... more ›
Manchester Silicon Drinkabout
So, you've come up with an awesome startup idea that is going to change the world! Well done you!
5 Tech Books To Read This Month
Reading the right books play a huge part of being an entrepreneur, startup lover and wannabe techie. It's great to learn from other people (and their mistakes), absorb their knowledge and form an... more ›
Manchester Entrepreneurs Accelerates IMPACT!
SpacePortX intern and Manchester Entrepreneurs Accelerate ME alumnus Manit Sethi shares his journey on how he co-founded IMPACT!
SheSaysMCR - It's All Good
SheSaysMCR was back last month to celebrate their first birthday! Last month's event focussed on social impact, aptly titled: It's All Good.